What is sciatica?
Sciatica term describes a nerve pain in the leg that is caused either from compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve.
Sciatic nerve is a very big nerve, which originates from the lower back (L4-S2) and travels all the way down suppling motor and sensory (indirectly) functions below the knee and motor function (directly) to the hamstring muscles (behind your thigh).
What causes sciatica?
Sciatica most commonly occurs when a herniated disc, bone spur on the spine or narrowing of the spine irritates or compresses part of the nerve. This can cause inflammation pain and often numbness in the affected leg.
Sciatic nerve can also get entrapped and compressed in hypertonic muscles (muscles that can not relax) and this can also create symptoms of pain and numbness. A common example is the Piriformis Syndrome. Sciatic nerve is passing through the piriformis muscle and when piriformis muscle gets very tight, sciatic symptoms can be caused.
What are the symptoms of sciatica?
The main symptom of sciatica is intense shooting pain in your:
Back of your legs
Feet and toes
You may also feel:
Tingling like pins and needles
Symptoms can get a lot worse with movement, coughing or sneezing.
The pain in the buttock, legs or feet usually is more intense than the lower back pain.
If you experience only low back pain you probably don’t have sciatica.
Who is going to diagnose my sciatica?
Diagnosis of sciatica can be made in our clinic from our highly specialised physiotherapists. After a thorough assessment, we will be able to give you the right diagnosis and we will also provide treatment.

Did you know ?
Sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body
5% to 10% of patients with low back pain have sciatica
The risk of sciatica increases with height and weight specially over 50 years old
20% to 30% of people with acute sciatica have persisting problems after one or two years
40% of people will have sciatica at some point in their life
1% to 5% of people can have sciatica per year
Sciatica rarely occurs before 20 unless you have a traumatic injury.
Treatment for Sciatica
In Physio Pattern Manchester, we will do a thorough assessment in order to find the cause of your sciatic symptoms. We will relieve any nerve root compression for your sciatic nerve and we will prevent future episodes of sciatica.
A treatment plan will be developed to ensure a speedy recovery with long term results and no recurrence.
Physio Pattern Manchester is going to use some of the modalities below as assessment and treatment tools (click on the links below for more information).
PHYSIOTHERAPY https://www.physiopattern.com/physiotherapy
NEUROKINETIC https://www.physiopattern.com/neurokinetic-therapy
MANUAL THERAPY https://www.physiopattern.com/manualtherapy
ACUPUNCTURE https://www.physiopattern.com/acupuncture

If you would like more information of how Physio Pattern Manchester can help with this condition, or to book an assessment please call
Leading Physiotherapy Provider in Manchester. Sciatica treatment in Manchester, Physiotherapy Treatment in Manchester city centre, Northern Quarter, Ancoats.Physio Manchester, Manchester Physio, Physio Manchester City Centre, Physiotherapy clinic in Manchester.