What is achilles tendinopathy?
Achilles tendinopathy is the irritation and inflammation of the band of tissue (tendon) that connects the muscles in your lower leg (calf muscles) to your heel bone (calcaneus bone).
The function of your Achilles Tendon is to help in bending your foot downwards at the ankle (this movement is called plantar flexion). Achilles Tendon is a very strong fibrous and robust tendon but sometimes it does get injured causing a lot of pain.
What causes achilles tendinopathy?
Achilles Tendinopathy is usually caused by overuse, which means repeated stress on your Achilles Tendon for long period of time. This can cause mechanical changes to your actual tendon and sometimes tears, making the tendon a lot weaker.
Any sports that put stress on your tendon can lead to achilles tendinopathy. This includes sports like basketball, gymnastics, squash, football and tennis.
Other causes of achilles tendinopathy could be:
Poor or wrong footwear
Poor technique in your sport that you might do
Doing too much too soon, being inactive for toon long
Running on sloping surfaces
Being overweight
Previous injuries in the calf muscles , ankle or achilles tendon
Symptoms of achilles tendinopathy
Achilles Tendinopathy can cause several symptoms including:
Pain at the back of the heel, this pain can be sharp sometimes specially when you are active or when you start moving after being inactive for a while.
Stiffness in your tendon - often worse when you wake from sleep in the morning
Swelling at the back of your ankle
Thickening of your Achilles Tendon - specially if you have achilles tendinopathy for long period of time.
Tenderness when you touch your achilles tendon or the surrounding area
Diagnosis of achilles tendinopathy
A detailed and thorough assessment from our highly specialised physiotherapists will be made in our clinic at Physio Pattern Manchester (
Your Physiotherapist will diagnose whether you have achilles tendinopathy or not. On a very rare occasions further investigation like an ultrasound or an MRI scan may be required.

Did you know?
24% of competitive athletes have a lifetime incidence of Achilles tendinopathy
18% percent sustained by athletes younger than 45 years
8,3% Tendon rupture occurs in competitive athletes
It may affect 9% of recreational runners and cause up to 5% of professional athletes to end their careers
In an epidemiologic investigation of 1394 nonathletes, Achilles tendinopathy was found in 5.6% of the subjects
Chronic Achilles tendinopathy is more common in older people than in young people. In Kvist's study, among 470 patients who had Achilles tendinopathy, only 25% of the patients were young athletes and 10% were younger than 14 years
Treatment for achilles tendinopathy
At Physio Pattern Manchester we will do a thorough assessment in order to find the real cause of your achilles tendinopathy. A treatment plan will be developed to ensure a speedy recovery with long term results and no recurrence. An Individualised exercise program will be prescribed to you as well.
Physio Pattern Manchester is going to use some of the modalities below as assessment and treatment tools (click on the links below for more information).

If you would like more information of how Physio Pattern Manchester can help with this condition, or to book an assessment please call
Leading Physiotherapy Provider in Manchester. Achilles Tendinopathy treatment in Manchester, Physiotherapy Treatment in Manchester city centre, Northern Quarter, Ancoats.Physio Manchester, Manchester Physio, Physio Manchester City Centre, Physiotherapy clinic in Manchester.