What is BPPV?
BPPV is Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. It is a vestibular (inner ear) condition that makes the person feel that the room is spinning when it's really not.
Small crystals of calcium (octogonia) derived from the utricle (otolith organs in inner ear) migrate into the canal system. Usually the posterior semicircular canal. When the small crystals are moving inside the canals, they excite some hair cells (sensory receptors), whose job is to detect movement.
The hair cells tell the brain that the head is moving when it's actually not, thus creating the room to spin even if you don't move your head.
Symptoms of BPPV
The symptoms that you will experience with BPPV will be dizziness, a sensation that your surroundings are moving (vertigo), nausea and occasionally vomiting.
BPPV can be triggered by twisting head movements (worse on the affected side), looking up or looking down.
How we diagnose BPPV?
BPPV can be diagnosed by carrying out a test called Dix-hallpike's test. The test is 100% specific and has 88% sensitivity. In physiopattern.co.uk we have all the equipment to make sure that our findings are accurate in order to treat you effectively. Supine Roll test is also applied to assess the horizontal semicircular canals.

Did you know?
20% of all dizziness is due to BPPV
More common in older people
Most common cause under 50 is head injury - direct or indirect, e.g. whiplash
Strong association with migraine
50% of BPPV is idiopathic (unknown cause)
How do we treat BPPV in Physio Pattern?
An effective treatment for BPPV is the Eppley's manoeuvre. Eppley's manoeuvre (posterior BPPV) is a combination of movements with an optimal goal to send the crystals back to otolith organs where they can not produce vertigo.
During Eppley's manoeuvre you might feel unpleasant, but 5 out of 6 cases report fully resolved symptoms after vestibular treatment. Log Roll manoeuvre is used for horizontal BPPV and deep head hanging manoeuver for anterior BPPV.
Benefits of Vestibular Physiotherapy for BPPV
Resolution of symptoms is the obvious benefit that you can
get from a vestibular physiotherapy for BPPV in Physiopattern.co.uk . We will also thoroughly assess your whole vestibular - ocular system and cerebellum (coordinates voluntary movements), trying to find other problems that might affect your balance, dizziness or vertigo.

if you would like more information of how Physio Pattern can help with this condition, or to book an assessment please call
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